How Is Compensation Determined In Car Accident Cases?

There are five major factors taken into account to determine the settlement amount in a personal injury claim resulting from a car crash. The first is the amount of money spent on medical treatments and related expenses, such as medicines and drugs, professional fees and hospital bills. The second is damages to property; if a personal injury is the result of a car crash, the compensation will include the cost of repair of the car or vehicle. The third category is the amount of money spent on car rentals while the vehicle is being repaired. And the fourth and perhaps most important factor is loss of income incurred as a result of the injuries suffered in the accident. Obviously, the length of time missed from work will be a big factor in the computation of the lost income. It is of the utmost importance, in order to present a strong case in court, to save all receipts related to the crash, both for medical and repair expenses. The last consideration is pain and suffering, and how the accident will affect your long-term quality of life.…Read More

Speeding May Not Get You There Faster; In Fact, It May Not Get You There At All!

Automobile accidents happen more frequently in Florida than anyone fully realizes – current statistics reveal that there’s a crash every 10 seconds, with close to 5 fatalities reported every hour as a result of those crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that speeding is not only a major contributing factor in vehicle accidents nationwide, but also results in a higher percentage of fatalities when crashes occur at higher than normal speeds. When other dangerous factors – such as fatigue, distracted driving, cellphone use, texting while driving and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs – are combined with speeding, the results can prove devastating. According to NHTSA estimates, speed-related crashes cost Americans upwards of $40 billion each year. Please use common sense every time you get behind the wheel on South Florida’s roadways; plan wisely and take your time – it’s a much better proposition to arrive a little late than not to arrive at all. If you or a loved one has been involved in an automobile, truck or motorcycle accident in Florida due to the negligence of others, contact…Read More

Rights Of Construction Workers Regarding Workers’ Comp And Workplace Injuries

Construction sites are one of the most accident-prone workplaces in America, and some of the most frequently reported worker fatalities occur in the construction sector. Common causes for construction site accidents include falls, being struck by objects, electrocution, scaffolding accidents, and trench collapses. While many accidents are the result of worker distraction or failure to follow established workplace rules, some accidents are caused by negligence on the part of the construction companies in failing to provide the proper occupational safety equipment such as hardhats, safety vests, goggles and health requirements required by law. Such negligence may be reflected in the lack of proper fall protection safeguards, poor quality of communication standards in the work site, poorly built scaffolding, improper control of electricity, and inadequate respiratory protections, to name a few. If you are a construction worker and have suffered a workplace accident as a result of your employer’s failure to follow standard occupational safety and health requirements, you may be entitled to compensation not only for the physical damages suffered but also for the pain and suffering associated with those damages including lost wages. The…Read More

Have You Been Injured In A Bicycle Accident?

Bicycle accidents can result in injuries, and these injuries can result in short- or long-term complications. Besides the common minor scrapes and bruising resulting from common spills, most serious injuries result from collisions with motor vehicles, which may include fractured or broken bones; internal injuries and bleeding; facial scarring and disfigurement; skull fractures and/or brain injuries (some resulting in coma, either temporary or permanent); spinal cord injuries (some resulting in temporary or permanent paralysis); temporary or permanent damage to limbs (even resulting in amputation); and even death. According to 2018 statistics from NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), there were 857 cyclist’s deaths on our national roads. 75% of the deaths occurred in urban areas, with children ages 5 to 14 being most at risk for death and injury from these accidents. Florida is among the states that has the highest rate of bicycle accident fatalities. If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident, call 1-800-TellRobert now, toll-free, to consult with the Bicycle Injury Department of Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A. We have over three decades of experience with bicycle injury…Read More

The Effects Of A Serious Injury May Last Your Entire Life

Minor physical injuries can be managed with no interruption to your daily life such us working, self-care, well-being and happiness. Such injuries seldom set off psychological and emotional trauma. However, people who have pain and suffering from a serious personal injury related to vehicle, sports, accident, or accidental fall may develop feelings of stress and trauma, and disorders such as anxiety, depression, frustration, isolation, lack of motivation or substance use or abuse well after they have completed medical rehabilitation. While it is normal to experience these feelings and to have an emotional reaction to injury whether it’s minor or serious, it is just as important to understand that if the stress remains constant, and continues to affect your quality of life, psychological counseling may be needed to resume a normal lifestyle. If you or a loved one have been injured through no fault of your own but by someone else’s thoughtless behavior, you may be entitled to compensation not just for the physical damages of the accident, but also for your pain, trauma and suffering. The skilled and experienced attorneys at Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A., have…Read More

Do You Really Need Legal Help For A Minor ‘Fender Bender’ Auto Accident?

While “minor fender benders” in South Florida often result in negligible property damages, it is never safe to assume that such simple accidents always result in logical outcomes. “Fender bender” is a low-speed minor accident that can turnout exceptionally costly when all is said and done. Vehicle occupants, for instance, could have suffered injuries that were not immediately apparent at the time of the collision. And since insurance company adjusters are not necessarily agreeable with these premises – often offering inadequate compensation to individuals involved in car crashes dealing with lesser property damage – it is highly recommended that, if you’ve been involved in any kind of auto accident, you take these immediate important steps: First, contact law enforcement to report the accident. With a report, the driver at fault will not be able to deny the accident never occurred. Second, take pictures to document any damage to your car. Third, visit a doctor as soon as possible, as a trained physician can detect physical damage that may not be immediately apparent. Very often, injuries occur days or weeks following the accident. And lastly, secure…Read More

Simple Guidelines To Keep In Mind In A Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you need to file a personal injury lawsuit in South Florida, there are a few basic steps to follow in order to help your claim progress as quickly and efficiently as possible. First and foremost, look after yourself and get the medical attention you need. But when all the confusion and stress pass, consult with a qualified, experienced Florida Personal Injury Attorney, and be sure to follow the legal advice. While friends and family certainly have your best interests in mind, following their advice about important legal matters is not usually a wise decision. Heed your lawyer’s directives – remember that your attorney is the expert. Let your attorney know immediately about any concerns or issues that you may not fully understand. You should keep a detailed set of records of everything related to or pertaining to the case, including any time missed from work and resulting lost earnings. Make your best effort to accurately document all expenses incurred on medical treatment, prescriptions, and any out of pocket expenses related to your injury – save all available receipts for any expenses related to the…Read More

Trick-Or-Treat, Make Sure A Fun Halloween Is A Safe Halloween!

It’s that magical and exiting time of the year once more for hungry goblins, elves and witches, and while just about everyone enjoys trick or treating, it’s important to remember that Halloween can be one of the most dangerous holidays for kids of all ages. Pedestrian injuries are the most common injuries to kids and teens on Halloween. Following are some simple and easy-to-follow rules to help make this holiday as safe as possible for all: Make flashlights available to both the children and the accompanying adults, and choose brightly colored costumes and/or reflective patches to increase visibility. Avoid masks if possible because they can limit or block eyesight. Parents or responsible adults should accompany children at all times on their neighborhood rounds – no child or group of children should ever go trick or treating alone. Walk only on sidewalks, and obey all pedestrian and traffic laws, do not assume the right of way. Drivers may have trouble seeing Trick-Or-Treaters, especially if they wear dark costumes. Just because one car stops, does not mean all will stop – careless drivers represent the major threats…Read More

Skilled Nursing Facilities Often Fail To Provide Sufficient Care. Are You A Victim?

According to a study conducted by Medicare’s Inspector General, the rate of medical errors resulting in injuries and death in skilled nursing facilities was much higher than that reported for hospitals. Skilled nursing facilities, which include certified nursing homes, typically provide follow-up treatment for patients after they have been discharged from acute care or postoperative care at a hospital and need to recover in an environment outside of the hospital. As reported by the study, medical errors at these establishments are not as widely reported as those that take place at hospitals. Red flags at these facilities are not always obvious. Errors that occurred during patient treatment – including everything from dispensation of the wrong medications to infections – resulted in damages both temporary and permanent, and more than half of the patients who were harmed had to be hospitalized at additional expense. The study also revealed that a majority of these errors were actually preventable. If you or a loved one has been victimized by nursing home errors or wrongdoing, please be aware that you have legal recourses available. At Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A.,…Read More

Have You Been Injured In A Boating Accident In Florida?

Surrounded by water, and home to thousands of lakes, rivers, and canals, boating is one of the most common recreational activities in Florida. It is meant to be a safe and fun way to enjoy Florida’s warm weather. Unfortunately, with so many boats traversing our waterways on a daily basis, accidents are bound to happen. According to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida has the most boating accidents resulting in injuries and deaths. Boating accidents happen due to variety of causes, including operator’s carelessness, inattention or inexperience, machinery failure, excessive speed, and alcohol intoxication, which is the contributing factor in fatal boating accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident involving a boat or any other type of watercraft as a result of someone else’s carelessness or negligence, you need a knowledgeable and experienced legal team on your side. For more than three decades, the Boating Accident and Injury Lawyers of Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A., have been helping people injured throughout Florida. We stand by our long history of compassion, integrity, and tenacity in bringing justice for the injured.…Read More

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