An Overview Of Slip And Fall Accidents Near Hallandale Florida

Slip And Fall Accidents In Hallandale Beach

Sometimes, our own carelessness can cause slip and fall accidents. In these cases, we have no one but ourselves to blame. Most of the time, however, slip and fall injuries happen on the premise of another party. These are typically due to inattention, carelessness or poor walking conditions.

Conditions vary, and so do circumstances. So, there are no rules set in stone for proving who is guilty. Very frequently, people unfairly blame themselves for other people’s neglectfulness, which is a mistake that might cost you. If you believe your injury is caused by another party’s negligence, you might have grounds for a premise liability lawsuit.

Slip and Fall damages

Obviously, if a business is legally at fault for failing to provide the necessary safety conditions, certain compensations have to be met. Generally, there are two types of damages: general and special.

General damages in slip and fall cases are those related to the pain and suffering that come from the accidents. Even temporary injuries that you can recover from quickly are reimbursable.

Special damages are related to medical bills and lost profits. Apart from the rehabilitation costs, these also cover any income you lost due to your inability to work. Even transportation costs to the hospital, and the cost of broken items because of the accident, fall into this category. So, make sure to consult a lawyer to get the full list of compensations you are entitled to.

Common Causes Of Slip And Fall injuries

There are multiple conditions that lead to slip and fall injuries:

  • Carelessly forgotten foreign objects in the walking path
  • Spills that are not taken care of, such as wet and oily surfaces
  • Flooring with varying degree of traction
  • Weather conditions that are not taken into account
  • Loose floorboards, potholes and poorly constructed staircases

Obviously there are some that businesses are not at fault for, such as poor quality footwear. However, there is no excuse for negligence. Also, any circumstance from the list above provides solid ground for a legal case.

Prevention Of Slip-And-Fall Accidents

The best thing to do is to prevent accidents like that in the first place. While it is impossible to prevent all such cases, you can take certain measures to limit the risk.

Here are some general tips and guidelines:

  • Wear proper footwear. Prevention of slip and fall actions starts with selecting the right shoes for the weather and outdoor conditions. Keep in mind, however, that no footwear holds anti-slip properties for all conditions. So, always consult the manufacturers first. Unfortunately, many slip and fall cases are a result of slippery surfaces. So, sometimes even the best footwear cannot prevent these situations.
  • If you are aware of the wet surface below you, make sure you are very careful in order to stay in balance. Take small steps. Walk slowly, and hold onto available rails or other stable objects.
  • Environmental conditions, such as heavy snow, will trigger accidents while walking even in your yard. In this instance, remove snow and water from your boots when entering a building.
  • Carrying a lot of baggage might render you incapable of maintaining balance at all times. So, avoid this as much as possible.
  • Insufficient light may also hinder your ability to see the surface you are walking on. Move slowly, only where you can see, and pay more attention to the path you are walking on.
  • Changes in elevation can also cause accidents. Prevent injuries by watching carefully for bumps, cracks and other changes in the surface. It is also a good practice to report any condition to property owners to avoid further damage.
  • Nearly all falls happen on stairs. To prevent accidents like that, make sure that there are reliable handrails and guardrails along the stairs. Also, make sure that the carpets are checked regularly for loose or worn-out carpeting.

What To Do After A Slip And Fall Accident

If you want to get the full compensation that you deserve for your troubles, the first steps after an accident are crucial. Here is the step-by-step advice by a Hallandale lawyer:

  1. First, always seek out medical help. Obviously, health should be your top priority. If you seek compensation before taking care of your personal health, it might become a red flag and suggest fraud on your part.
  2. Next, report the accident. You should contact the landlord (or business owner) and make them report the accident. Make sure you get a copy of the report before you leave.
  3. Always stay rational. Stressful incidents might cause you to lose your temper, but you will not benefit from that. The damage is done, so be smart and focus on getting the best out of that bad situation.
  4. Next, record evidence. If you don’t photograph the conditions in which the accident happened, chances are nobody will. Broken stairs, slippery surface, unexpected items on the ground; make sure you document them all. Also, note the exact time in which the accident occurred as conditions might change.
  5. Collect the names and phone numbers of all witnesses.
  6. Call an attorney. For the best possible outcome, go for one whose main focus are slip and fall accidents. Make sure you contact the lawyer before you talk to insurance adjusters.

Once you are away from the scene, your tasks are NOT over. You should remember not to throw away the shoes and clothes you were wearing at the time of the accident because they might become relevant in a trial.

Slip And Fall Lawyer

The liability of the premises owner depends on the law of the particular state and all of the circumstances surrounding your case.

There are attorneys who specialize in slip and fall cases, so it is highly recommended that you pick one with a proven track record of positive outcomes. Our lawyers have experience representing injured slip and fall victims and may be able to hold any wrongdoers accountable.

Getting The Right Compensation

Filing a legal claim after a slip and fall accident does not only benefit the injured victim; it benefits those who are victims of unsafe areas.

Filing a case encourages a property owner to ensure a safe, inspected and well-maintained area.

If you know someone who has experienced a slip and fall, or you yourself have been a victim, speak to our lawyers immediately.

We will fight to get your compensation, which will cover your medical expenses, lost wages, or future losses due to inability to work.

More Information

Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A. - Hollywood, FL


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