A car has come off the road and is in a field - Fenstersheib Law Group, P.AHow Does Coastal Flooding And Standing Water In Southern Florida Contribute To An Increase In Car Accidents?

Coastal flooding brings with it many risks. Many of these dangers come in ways that people don’t necessarily immediately think of when they think of flooding. Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of how weather affects driving conditions in South Florida is the unpredictability it brings.

Coastal areas oftentimes experience a rise in water level that makes it difficult for drivers to sense how deep the water is. Thinking the water is shallower than it actually is, you may end up destroying your car attempting to drive through the flooded area.

Equally difficult to see is debris, potholes, or submerged objects in flooded roads. Navigating through standing water comes with the risk of hitting these things and causing even more accidents to occur.

What Specific Challenges Do Drivers Face In These Conditions?

Navigating coastal flooding presents drivers with challenges, especially hydroplaning and compromised brake performance.

Hydroplaning occurs when there is a layer of water between the tires of your car and the surface of the road, leading to a loss of traction. The reduced traction makes it extremely challenging to control your vehicle and can result in your car swerving uncontrollably.

On top of this, the distance you’ll need to bring your vehicle to a complete stop becomes significantly longer due to flooded roads because your brakes do not function as they normally would. This makes it considerably harder for you to judge when to hit the brakes and can contribute to rear-ending others.

Remember: if you begin to hydroplane, do not panic. Following your instinct to suddenly brake or accelerate your car can actually make things worse. Ease off the accelerator gently and steer in the direction you want your car to go. This gradual correction will help you regain control of the vehicle. Also, it’s important to make a great effort to maintain a safe following distance in these conditions. This added buffer ensures that you have more runway, so to speak, in the event you do indeed hydroplane.

How Is Fault Determined If A Car Accident Is Caused By Weather Conditions? Can I Still File A Personal Injury Lawsuit?

While personal injury lawsuits can be pursued in accidents influenced by adverse weather, determining fault is extremely challenging to do. Nonetheless, documentation, expert analysis, and legal expertise are means by which you can establish liability and obtain compensation, if possible at all.

We at The Fenstersheib Law Group can file a lawsuit on your behalf against a negligent driver, irrespective of weather conditions. Personal injury claims are not precluded because the incident happened under adverse weather conditions.

Accidents in these conditions demand especially thorough examination, and we are up for the task. Water-related accidents involve many factors, including road conditions, vehicle speed, and driver reactions. Proving negligence hinges on demonstrating how these elements interplay. We have plenty of experience doing just this, however.

If you ever find yourself in an accident like this, take as many photos of the incident and surroundings as you can. They serve as visual aids in illustrating the challenging conditions and can significantly help your case.

Are There Particular Areas Or Regions Where Coastal Flooding And Standing Water Have Been Identified As Significant Contributors To The Rise In Car Accidents In Southern Florida?

While certain regions within Florida may be slightly more prone to coastal flooding and standing water, the risk is additionally influenced by factors such as local infrastructure, drainage systems, and the proximity to water bodies. Addressing these concerns requires a localized and comprehensive approach to enhance road safety.

Southern Florida has a landscape full of coastal areas, lakes, rivers, and canals. With this comes challenges related to flooding. Certain regions with low-lying areas may be particularly susceptible to standing water concerns.

In addition to this, some areas may lack good drainage systems. This only goes to heighten the risk of flooding during heavy rainfall. Places near the ocean, lakes, or rivers may experience coastal flooding, especially during storms or high tide events. Coastal zones are inherently vulnerable to rising water levels that can impact road safety. Even parking lots can pose hazards if they have poor drainage, contributing to accidents such as slip and fall incidents.

What Are The Common Injuries Associated With Car Accidents Caused By Excessive Water Conditions?

Car accidents in excessive water conditions can result in a range of injuries, particularly injuries to the head, neck, and back. Losing control of your vehicle, hydroplaning, and limited visibility all contribute to the severity of injuries sustained during water-related accidents. Below are a few examples:


Sudden stops or impacts in water-related accidents can cause rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, resulting in whiplash injuries. These injuries affect the soft tissues of the neck and can lead to pain, stiffness, and other symptoms.

Spinal Injuries

The force of a collision may impact the spine, causing injuries to the vertebrae or spinal discs. These injuries can range from mild to severe and may result in long-term consequences.

Head Injuries

Accidents in conditions with limited traction may increase the risk of head injuries. This can include concussions, traumatic brain injuries, or other head trauma.

What Preventative Measures Can Drivers Take To Reduce The Risk Of Accidents When Faced With Coastal Flooding And Standing Water On The Road?

Taking preventative measures can significantly reduce your risk of being involved in an accident. Additionally, seeking legal assistance promptly after an accident can help you navigate the legal aspects that you may face in the aftermath of one.

One of the most effective preventative measures you can take is to avoid driving through standing water. Your assessment of the depth of the water may be completely off, and there may be submerged hazards that pose even more of a threat to your vehicle.

When driving on wet pavement, moderate your speed so that it is below the speed limit. Slower speeds on wet surfaces help to maintain traction and control, reducing the likelihood of hydroplaning. Wet conditions can also affect visibility.

Be on the lookout for careless drivers driving too fast or not paying adequate attention to wet road conditions. Other drivers’ behaviors contribute to overall road safety. Being aware of and avoiding drivers who exhibit careless or risky behavior can reduce the risk of getting in an accident.

If you do get into an accident, promptly seek legal assistance to navigate the legal complexities associated with your accident. Contact a reliable legal team like Fenstersheib Law Group at 800-TellRobert for guidance and support in handling the aftermath of your accident. We ensure you are aware of your rights and options.

If you were in an accident, a free initial consultation is your next step in protecting your rights and getting the compensation your case deserves. Get the information and legal answers you need by calling (800) TellRobert (800) 835-5762 today.

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