Simple Guidelines To Keep In Mind In A Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you need to file a personal injury lawsuit in South Florida, there are a few basic steps to follow in order to help your claim progress as quickly and efficiently as possible.

First and foremost, look after yourself and get the medical attention you need. But when all the confusion and stress pass, consult with a qualified, experienced Florida Personal Injury Attorney, and be sure to follow the legal advice. While friends and family certainly have your best interests in mind, following their advice about important legal matters is not usually a wise decision. Heed your lawyer’s directives – remember that your attorney is the expert. Let your attorney know immediately about any concerns or issues that you may not fully understand.

You should keep a detailed set of records of everything related to or pertaining to the case, including any time missed from work and resulting lost earnings. Make your best effort to accurately document all expenses incurred on medical treatment, prescriptions, and any out of pocket expenses related to your injury – save all available receipts for any expenses related to the injury. You must also honor each and every appointment regarding all matters related to your personal injury case – particularly with your lawyer and your doctors – and make sure that you clearly share any and all information with them, even if you perceive this information to be self-apparent.

And please let your attorney deal directly with the defendant’s insurance company; keep in mind that this company represents the other side, does not necessarily have your best interests at heart, and will use any information obtained from you to gain the upper hand in the lawsuit.

The skilled and experienced Personal Injury Attorneys at Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A., have been helping injury victims in South Florida for more than three decades. Let us put that experience to work for you, we’ll help with discovery, arranging for witnesses, filing the necessary paperwork and most importantly advocating on your behalf – contact us at 1-800-Tell Robert for a free consultation. We will evaluate your claim free of charge and advise you of the necessary steps to secure your legal rights. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A.

The Lawyers at Fenstersheib Law Group, P.A. provide
personalized legal representation for personal injury cases.

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